Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fishing Bay YC - at a free dock

Fishing Bay YC - note all the sailboats!
We had 57 miles to go so we left at 7:00 am when we heard the good weather report of 10 to 15 kt winds out of the northeast with 2 ft waves. Also in our favor was an ebb tide so we picked up about 1/2 knot of current heading south. That also meant the the Potomac was also ebbing so the wind was with the tide crossing the Potomac, taming the river compared to what others have experienced. It was a calm ride. We motor sailed most of the way as was everybody else going south. We had ground to cover and didn't have time to poke along at 5 kts.

We passed this guy on the way in, what is it?
We arrived at the yacht club around 2;30 and they had a dock reserved for us. Ann pointed us in and we docked without a problem even though there was no one around to help. You may or may not get help in these situations depending on who's around so you need a dependable technique for getting in, Ann has it down pat by now. You do not come in parallel to the dock, you come in at a 30 degree angle and then at the last minute swing the wheel over to align the boat with the dock and put the engine in reverse. Works everytime.

Nice dock, nice people
The yacht club here is all all sailboats. It's sailing territory and we fit right in. The free dock is for visiting yachtsmen from recognized yacht clubs and Poughkeepsie YC qualifies. We always stop here on the way south and north and know the steward. The electricity is also free, what a bargain.

We'll leave Sunday at 8:00 and hope to make Hampton by 2:00 pm. We've even been invited out for a home cooked meal by a member of the Beneteau 423 Yahoo group which I founded. We're looking forward to that!

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