Cruising Tips

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chesapeake City - at anchor

The anchorage is surrounded by well tended landscaping, courtesy of the Army Corps of Engineers 
Although we anchored in 35 ft of water and only had 100 ft of rode out, we were fine. We swung with the tides and at time did circles but there was never a problem. We were the only boat in the anchorage. We were well placed to catch the tides north in the Delaware Bay and reached Chesapeake City by noon.

The rumble is much louder than a typical motorcycle - deep and loud from the speed boats
The entrance to the anchorage here has silted in. It was dredged a couple of years ago but there's only 7 ft now at the entrance. Once in the anchorage, you're fine but getting in you have to be careful. If you enter in the middle of the channel, you will go aground.

Peaceful evening - so far - the wind is supposed to pick up later tonight
The town here was packed. There are no provisions available, just a lot of shops typical of tourist towns. Nevertheless, it was pleasant walking along the sidewalks looking in the shops and looking at the many flower displays. The Chesapeake Canal is famous for the muscle boats, made for high speed and a deep, throated rumble you can feel in your belly. There is no speed limit on the canal and they take advantage of it.

We plan on leaving Monday morning and aiming for Rhode River anchorage. It will be a long day and the winds are forecast for 15 to 20 kts but they will be behind us so we're going. We want to get through the Chesapeake as soon as possible, we never found it to be a good sailing area, at least for the time periods that we transit through.  

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