Cruising Tips

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Milford - at the town dock

Coming into Milford
For the first day out, we only went a short distance with our new crew, just over to Milford. It's only about 12 miles or so. Still we got rained on but there was no lightening. All the crew got a chance at the helm, navigating with the GPS and steering the boat. One has to watch out for crab pots and, of course, other boats.

I can't imagine having Hoolie do this on a paddle board
Milford is a small town with a very busy main street. The main attraction is the Scoopy Doo Ice Cream Shop. It's only 200 ft from the dock and the kids flock to it. Grest home made ice cream. There 's also a great marine store (not West Marine  but very good) and a small convenience store. Of course there's lots of restaurants but we're eating in tonight given the kids.

Oh the choices!
We now start the kids on their blogging adventure by having them add their comments too daily:

Today was a sailing day, I got to steer the boat and I did two turns. I also did a paint by number that was very hard. But I did clay charms, it's where you make tiny clay art and put it on bracelets. Natalie

Today we made pizzas for lunch , I put a lot of cheese and pepperoni and sauce, yum. Also we did a dingy ride today, I got to steer the dingy. It is a whole lot easier than my first time steering the dingy. Sarah. 

Well, impressions from two of the crew... Looked like they had fun. On Monday we're headed for Port Jefferson on the other side of the Sound and anchoring out. There's an island to explore and perhaps some swimming. It will be Natalie's first time crossing the Sound. 

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