Cruising Tips

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Block Island - at anchor

Finally, a sunset - on Block Island
One thing you need to know about the Stonington anchorage is that if there is a swell out of the east or south along with an east wind, you will find the anchorage very rocky. You can barely see the swells coming in, they are only a few inches high but the period is such that they tune to the sailboats, causing a 10 to 15 degree rocking back and forth when they hit the boat abeam. So although the first night was very calm, the second night was spent wondering when the rocking was going to stop, it never did. So we were glad to leave Sunday morning for Block Island. 

Actually, this is not crowded for Block Island, the dinghies are only one row deep 
We left under the threat of rain but we managed to reach Block Island in sloppy 2 to 3 ft seas by 11:15. Since it was a Sunday afternoon, we were greeted by massive boat leavings. Nice to be retired and not have to go to work on Monday. But even on a Monday there was not a single mooring free, not that we would take one anyway - we always anchor out at Block Island and save the $45/night mooring fee. 

Ah, the Oar, home of great views and Buffalo Wings
There are few places that seem to be immune to economic downturns and Block Island appears to be one such place. No matter what the economic climate, Block Island is always full during the summer (no free moorings!) but on this Monday it was less full than in the past so we had no problem finding a place to anchor. We didn't snug up to to the east shore so we're in 30 ft of water with 100 ft of rode out (70 lb Spade anchor, 60 ft of 3/8" BBB chain for those interested). We've never had a problem anchoring at Block for the past 15 years. 

We'll spend several days here, depending upon the weather and it's forecasted to be cool, only in the low 70's at best. We'll be fine in our enclosure watching the world go by. The Oar is the restaurant of choice for a view of the harbor and to get excellent Buffalo Wings. We'll go there tomorrow to see if they are as good as we remember. Meanwhile, we'll relax for awhile. 

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