Cruising Tips

Friday, May 2, 2014

Alligator River Marina - at a dock

The ICW suddenly seems very narrow when you meet one of these guys
We had intended only going to the Pungo River anchorage by the entrance to the Pungo-Alligator Canal so we only left by 8:30 am but the weather was fair, winds light and we were making too time. We reached the anchorage by noon so we just continued onward and finally reached the Alligator River Marina by 5:30 pm. It was an easy but long ride.

The birds are very grateful for all the perches provided for them
The Alligator River Marina is not the usual marina. It's actually a service station with an attached restaurant and 9/11 type store along with slips for  boats. It does have the prerequisites of a marina in laundry, showers, WiFi, rest rooms and fuel. So I guess you could call it a marina, it just has a different look. Regardless of all that, it's very protected and the only marina in the area between Elizabeth City and the Pungo River, location is everything.

Note the arrangement of the fenders, horizontally, not vertically - needed for fixed piers
After all the storms of the last week or so, we're due for some settled weather and we'll take advantage of the break in heading north. We plan on reaching Elizabeth City on Saturday and then passing through the Dismal Swamp Canal to reach Hampton, Virginia by Monday. Then it's a wait for weather to go north through Chesapeake Bay.

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