Cruising Tips

Friday, April 18, 2014

St John's Yacht Harbor - at a dock

Pouring rain, high winds, ugh!!
We were going to stay at the Charleston Maritime Center but as the winds increased to 25 to 30 kts, we had second thoughts. We encountered 33 kt winds coming out of Steamboat Creek and with the forecast for continued heavy rains throughout the weekend combined with NE winds of 15 to 25 kts, we knew from experience that the Maritime Center would not be comfortable. It is completely open to the NE to E and the waves wash in against the docked boats.

With that in hand, we started looking for an alternative and found St. John's Yacht Harbor which is just to the west of Elliott Cut before coming into Charleston Harbor. The cost was even a little cheaper but it promised a much more protected dockage. So we called ahead and they found a slip for us. With the forecast for continued bad weather, we took it for the next three days. We're supposed to get 2 to 3 inches over the next 24 hours.

Groan, view out the front - rain, rain...
We had plans of renting a car for the weekend but with the forecast heavy rains, all it would have done is sit in the parking lot. So, we cancelled the car but then the marina had a loaner car and we took that to get to Harris Teeter for provisioning. We have a ham for Easter and all the fixings! It'll just be the two of us but we hope to have a video connection sometime Easter with the grandkids.

Meanwhile, we hunkered down with winds of 15 to 25 kts against the side of the boat, but we're securely docked with all our fenders between us and the dock. It's just a little noisy. The marina comes with cable TV connections at every dock and we took advantage of that.So we'll see how it goes. Monday is predicted to be better and we plan on continuing our northward journey then.

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