Cruising Tips

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cedar Creek Anchorage - at anchor

The storm clouds stayed far away
The forecast for Tuesday was not all that good. Rain was forecast as well as the potential for thunderstorms but when we looked at the weather radar, nothing was in sight so we started out. As it turned out, it did rain some but we avoided all the thunderstorms. There were even tornado warnings but they were all north and west of us.

Shrimp is a big business around here - they don't care much for imported shrimp...
We are now secure for the night in Cedar Creek, a spot we've used many times before. There's lots of room and it's impossible to drag! There are lots of shrimp boats in the area, it's a major industry here.

We plan on heading out again early Wednesday and hope to make the Pungo River anchorage but we may just wind up at Hoboken instead. It's a local shrimp boat marina that also rents out face dock space to transients (us) for only $0.40/ft, a real bargain, but then the facilities are for shrimp boats, not cruisers - but that's okay with us since an electric hook up comes with the slip rental. The storms are all around us but none have hit us so far. The first thing we do every morning is to look at the weather radar and plan the day. 

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