Cruising Tips

Thursday, March 13, 2014

We're tucked into the northeast corner of the anchorage but we still get a good view of Miami
The winds certainly blew last night, in the 20 kt range at times but we were secure in our protected anchorage with a 66 lb Spade anchor. We have now circumscribed our anchor, it's in the middle of a circle on the chartplotter, we've been on all sides of the anchor as the winds have shifted from day to day.The anchor hasn't moved at all. 

I used the paved trails that parallel the anchorage for running in the morning. The park is in the process of being renovated which includes removing non-native plants to be replaced by plants native to the area. Unfortunately, there's no dinghy dock so you have to climb over rocks to reach shore or else land on the beach. I prefer the rocks since you can usually keep your feet dry (i.e., running shoes) but you have to be careful on the slippery rocks.

There are two, four and eight person shells going all the time around the anchorage
We observed a rather loud conversation between a boater that was determined to pull a sled behind him, right through a flotilla of racing shells! There were numerous signs out posting the area as a no wake zone but that assumed the boater could read, obviously he could not. He was converged upon by three boats shepherding the shells, explaining what the strange markings  (English...) meant. After 15 minutes of much hand waving, he eventually stopped circling the shells and settled down to an idle. We figured his IQ was lower than his age...

I love these weather forecasts, they change every day. Now Saturday looks better than Sunday - but then that could change once again tomorrow! Who knows? Certainly not the weatherman! We'll watch and make our decision on the morning we leave. 

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