Cruising Tips

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Titusville Municipal Marina - at a dock

As proof, we do see sunrises once in awhile
Titusville was 57 miles north of Vero Beach but a southeast wind was predicted which would aid us north so we let go of our mooring at 7:00 am, first light this time of the year. I took Hoolie into shore in the dark, came back, put the outboard back on the rail and took off.

It's hard to figure the direction of the current on the ICW. There are no current tables so you try to figure the current via the tide tables. High tides were earlier at you went north so you would think that the current ought to be going south as experienced on the Hudson River. However, the opposite was true. We had a north flowing current all the way to Titusville.

The same gorup of people gather everyday - now Ann rejoins the group at the dog park
The challenge was to reach the Addison Point Bridge which opens on request except between 3:30 to 5:30. If you miss the 3:30 opening, you wait 2 hours! It was at the 50 mile point so we had to average better than 7 kts to make the opening. However, with the modest current of a couple of tenths and the following wind, we made the bridge in time!

Coming into the marina, Ann guided Fleetwing beautifully into the slip despite the 12 kt following wind. As usual, Titusville Marina had dockhands on duty to help us out. Ann took Hoolie to the dog park to run some excitement out of Hoolie. The usual crowd was there so she caught up on happenings since she was gone. It seems we know more and more people along our ICW route, it's fun.

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