Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Palm Beach Yacht Center at Hypoluxo - we provisionT

Joe Mastri says, "Hi" - he's the same as ever...

Ann got a good report from her doctor today, the same doctor she saw last year that said she needed to two puffs of QVAR in the morning and two at night! The regime worked and Ann is doing fine.

We had wanted to eat lunch at the Banana Boat but we couldn't find a place to park so we wound up at a place where all the locals go where they make all their food in-house and we found it very good. The outside is no indication of the quality of food inside so there's no tourist action around.

There are always flowers around in Florida
Next was a trip to Wal-Mart and Ann provisioned for the next leg of the trip north. We found a recipe for Sloppy Joes from the restaurant of the same name in Key West so Ann will give it a try. The Sloppy Joes we had in Key West bore no resemblance to the ones we remembered from our high school days of runny hamburger served from the cafeteria! I'll report back on the results.

Setting sun behind a palm tree, much calmer today than yesterday
Meanwhile, we refilled our water tanks and did a superficial wash of the boat, well enough to pass a cursory look and we're ready to move on to the Hobe Sound anchorage on Wednesday (after 10 more bridges!)

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