Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ft Lauderdale - at a mooring

Sunrise! We usually get up later...
We got an early start, around 7:30 off the anchor and headed out. We were concerned that the Coast Guard might close Government Cut to small boats, the major inlet to Miami. They do that often during the day whenever two or more large ships come in at the same time. We lucked out and make it out okay and shortly thereafter, the Coast Guard did close the inlet for a period of time. We've never encountered any other inlet where the Coast Guard closed it to cruising boats, Miami is the only place we've encountered that problem.

The beach at Ft Lauderdale was packed with spring breakers
Once out past the inlet, we turned north and found lumpy seas. However, it was only 20 miles to Ft Lauderdale so we preserved and did okay. Coming into Ft Lauderdale we wondered if all the moorings would be taken on a Saturday afternoon. Once we rounded the corner we found that there were four moorings still available, no problem. The last mooring was taken by 2:30 this afternoon so they all went, even at $45/night.

It was very warm!
After taking Hoolie ashore, Ann and I took a walk to the beach. It was packed with Spring Breakers! The place is rocking! We did a circle of the area and headed back to the boat. Everyone seemed to be having fun but the police was out in force. They even had police mounted on horses on the beach. Everything seemed to be calm and orderly, at least in the afternoon.

It really is a beautiful beach
We'll be here Sunday and leave on Monday for Joe Mastri's place in Boynton Beach, staying at Palm Beach Yacht Center Monday and Tuesday. Ann has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday for a checkup scheduled from last year when she had her breathing problem which has now been under control ever since she started following her doctor's advice (!)

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