Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Key West - Sushi and the Green Parrot

The border patrol - 4 bad-ass engines - very slow speed through the harbor looking sinister
A trip to the nearest Publix solved our provisioning problem. We are now set for at least another three weeks. Although the temperature is only in the high 70's, the sun is very hot so we took along a soft cooler for the frozen stuff.

Our order preparation
For our Valentine dinner we chose to eat out at a local Japanese sushi restaurant with good reviews on Tripadvisor.They specialize in sushi but they have other dishes too. Of course, we both got the full sushi dinner. I had developed a taste for sushi from my many trips to Japan when working for IBM.  In Japan, the display of the sushi is just as important as the actual taste. The Ambrosia Restaurant didn't disappoint on that score and followed up with everything being fresh and tasty.

A work of art
While at the restaurant, we got an invite from Bill McKeever to meet him at the Green Parrot, a local bar with a special for the night - a ukulele get together. They had a display of ukuleles and a band that specialized in the instrument. With the arrival of Bill and Ruth, fun was had by all, Bill does know how to party. We had fun for awhile but we left at 9:00, real party poopers.

Oh well, we're home now (at the boat) and in for the night, it's not even 10:00 yet. We never claimed to ever close down a bar.
Ann and Ruth McKeever say hi!

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