Cruising Tips

Monday, January 27, 2014

Newfound Harbor - at anchor

Our morning sunrise, just magical on the water
We were so used to getting up early for our long runs that we awakened early this morning too and saw a beautiful sunrise as a reward. The anchorage continues to be flat calm, very nice at night.

Picnic Island, close to everything
Ann painted most of the day with her pastels and I did battle with Comcast in trying to get cable installed for our month's stay in Key West, all to no avail. Oh well, we have plenty of DVD's to enjoy. Picnic Island where we take Hoolie for pet relief was occupied all day and tonight too. The weather is so warm here that there are many that come to the island to just hang out. It's still 74 outside at 8:00 pm in a cloudless sky. The stars are out and it helps that the moon is not up so the sky is very dark and the stars stand out. 

Obviously, a nice place for a picnic!
The island I take Hoolie to is used by the locals for a dog park. The dogs run free and for the most part, they are well behaved. Hoolie doesn't care all that much for the other dogs, he just wants to run at full speed as long as he can. When he's unrestrained, he's a blur. However, tonight a group had a bonfire going and there were several dogs not so friendly. We made landfall anyway and Hoolie did his  business without incident. 

And, we watched the sunset, a complete day
Back on the boat, it's as still as being on land, no movement at all. It's less than 30 miles to Key West from here so we'll have a lazy morning and arrive in time for our usual welcoming Cuban sandwich at Cuban Coffee Queen, we're looking forward to that! The McKeevers are already here and enjoying the music, we'll try to join them soon.

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