Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Marine Stadium at Miami - Waiting for weather

He was aimed right at us! What a strange sight!
The front came through around 3:00 am Wednesday morning with 20 plus wind gusts. We were secure but you could hear the wind blow through the rigging. We need a two day window to reach Marathon and although Thursday could be a good day, Friday is another 20 to 25 kts wind day, not good. So we sat at anchor and did things we would have done if at home.

Hoolie was entranced too
Ann spent most of the day with pastels in the cockpit. With the full sun, it was summertime there. I was down below downloading the latest version of Quicken which has built in obsolescence (the links for downloading transaction data from banks expire every three years) which requires purchasing the latest version, now Quicken 2014. At least you can buy the program from and download it right to your computer.

Michael Taylor
We met an old friend in the anchorage today, Michael Taylor. He's of indeterminate (old) age and sails by himself on a 30 ft catamaran built during WWII (or before). He's originally from England so we had tea in the afternoon on his boat. Ann invited him over for dinner tonight and we had a nice round of conversation about his experiences during WWII and the following years. It was an interesting evening. He sure liked Ann's cooking!

At last a decent sunset
We continue to watch the weather, we're experts at doing that! When the time comes, we'll immediately head out, most likely Saturday as it appears now.

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