Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Key West - Distances

Want to know how far from home - just look at the arrows
 Another busy day doing laundry and odds and ends from West Marine and the Ace hardware store. I had to replace the brackets that I broke on the dinghy from swinging the motor from side to side. The brackets accepted the rod from the all around white navigation light which is required everywhere but especially at Marathon where the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) has a training base. For the same reason we also have a fire extinguisher and horn for the dinghy as well as red and green running lights up front. Hopefully, that's enough.

I even found Hartford, CT - where my son and his family live
The Key West weather continues to be perfect but we're due for more wind on Thursday with the high still in the 70's. We rented a car for a week to provision and see what's changed around here in the last year. They are building heavily in back of Schooner Wharf, looks like condos but we're not sure yet. The old aquarium that sat vacant for several years is also under renovation so it looks like things are looking up for Key West, at least by the Bight.

All this activity is really tiring out Hoolie!
The sights and sounds of Key West are still mesmerizing to us. It's just a constant hubbub of activity and fun to watch from the back of our boat. We'll visit the nearest Publix on Thursday in our rental car and restock the freezer, it's just about empty. On Friday we'll start enjoying the music scene with a visit to B.O.'s Fishwagon and Barry Cuda on the piano, one of our favorite musicians. Time to have fun.

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