Cruising Tips

Friday, January 10, 2014

Hibiscus at Harvey's Groves
After a morning of cleaning inside of the boat from the results of over 1 month of a freezer that turned off, we were finally ready to provision Fleetwing for the trip to Key West. Unless you enjoy paying more than necessary for groceries (and anything else) you will shop at Walmart for major restocking.

Here's a view of the entire plant
So as we were checking out a familiar scene occurred. "Gosh, that's a lot of groceries", "Well, we're headed to Key West on a boat", "Groceries? (thinking of a cruise ship)",  "No, we're sailing on our own boat", "Wow, can I go too?" If we accepted all the offers we've had for crew, we'd need the Queen Mary. So $500 later, we were provisioned.

We also paid a visit to Harvey's Groves, a necessary visit if you're in the area. They have wonderful, fresh fruit at super prices, much better than the local supermarkets. We got 14 of the  biggest grapefruit I've ever seen for $10. I would highly recommend a visit. They had flower gardens outside of hibiscus in bloom. They are very stunning in person with large, 10 inch blooms. 

 Boat prep continues. More work will ensure on the inside before tackling the outside which also includes dewatering and cleaning the dinghy and adding ballast to the port side to balance the 500 lb genset on the starboard side. We'll see if the 200 feet of 3/8" chain is enough. 

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