Cruising Tips

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Titusville - the wind finally dies down

The clouds in the distance are over the Gulf Stream, it's warmer there, more clouds there
After three days and nights of 30 kt winds, it was a relief to have only 10 to 15 kts. It seemed like no winds at all! People tell us it must be nice to be on vacation for 9 months of the year (counting the fall two months and the winter five months with two months in Long Island Sound during the summer). However, as Ann points out, you still have to do everything you would if you were home - like laundry, cleaning (the boat), paying bills, buying fuel (diesel), engine maintenance (changing oil, filters, etc.), fixing things that go bad (water pumps, joker valves, clogged raw water filters), general house cleaning (mold removal and prevention, floor cleaning, etc.) and a few things foreign to a house like taking care of an anchor and rode along with dinghy maintenance. So although it sounds idyllic, there is a lot of work involved - but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

The spit of land provides some protection for us
Today was housework which involved paying bills and investigatiing Obamacare options. Luckily, you can do everything over the internet nowadays so I spent all day doing that and in the late afternoon, I put the laptop screen up on our 32 inch LED TV and we perused the options while sipping wine. It appears we'll be okay but more study is required. At least the website worked (we have one dedicated to IBM employees).l

The wind completely died tonight which is normally a good thing but that let a few bugs come out that were blown away for the last three days. The citronella candle helps some and we have a home brew repellant that seems to work too. With the dying of the wind, we may rent a car again and explore the area some more and take advantage of the $10/day weekend rate.

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