Cruising Tips

Monday, November 11, 2013

Titusville - Turn car in, clean boat

Looking towards the dog park - near sunset
Well, what can you say, it was housekeeping day, even on a boat. I turned the car in around 10:00 am Monday morning and got the free ride back to the marina as provided by Enterprise. We have a bunch of stuff on order but nothing is here yet since it's Veteran's Day so we just cleaned the boat, not very exciting but required now and then.

Our diving team of "Donald Brown Diving" saved us from a worn zinc!
With the extra time, we took Hoolie over to the dog park and the routine is to run Hoolie constantly for about 30 minutes - at which time he's totally exhausted, tongue hanging out, panting, etc. He'll always chase a tennis ball but seldom brings it back. So I walk around, picking up stray tennis balls and giving them a pitch in the direction away from Hoolie, he runs.

For Bill Spencer - a Nonsuch from Essex - unfortunately, don't know the name yet
I had a diver come by today to replace the zinc on the prop. It's been three months and a zinc will not only reduce in size cataylitically, it will also abrade just from prop rotation. The local diver will replace the zinc at no charge, as a service but I've only found this offer in Titusville, the usual charge is $35 to $40. Our zinc was down to less than 25 % left so it was a worthwhile replacement.

Several manatees came by to partake of the fresh water while I was washing down the boat
Tuesday is our last good day, Wednesday is due with winds up to 35 kts and rain. They're predicting 9 to 11 ft seas out in the ocean - but of course not where we're at. We'll hunker down and do inside things on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to say much about that Nonsuch at Titusville. With all the cushions lined up against the lifelines I can't even identify its size. The window pattern always gives the size/model away. Two windows for a 26, three of the same size for a 30, three with the aft one longer than the other two is a 33, and 4 windows of equal size is a 36.

    There is no such thing as a Nonsuch 42, so you'll have to do some more investigation to find out what that big lookalike is.

