Cruising Tips

Friday, November 15, 2013

Titusville - marina people

A nightly visit from our local Osprey, he keeps the messy birds away!
One thing about staying in a marina for an extended time is meeting fellow cruisers. One couple two boats over are avid racers with a 42 ft Nonsuch. We don't race but in talking to them we discovered that they previously had an Ericson 38ft sailboat, the same model that we had before we bought the Beneteau! They raced it with success, almost always winning. I always thought it was a fast boat but in good hands (not ours...) it was even faster, apparently. They are also leaving their boat here for the holidays, returning after New Years Day to go further south.

I spent most of the day installing holding tank monitors which allows one to know how full the tanks are. It's amazing how much time can be taken up with such mundane tasks! Four hours later, everything is hooked up but the readout display is not yet installed at the helm station, another chore for a later time, groan! Aboard a boat, there's never a time when there's nothing to do!

The winds are calm, the days are cool (in the 70s) and we're biding our time until we leave for the holidays next Thursday. We'll rent a car for the duration from Hertz so we can take Hoolie with us and not ship him in a crate like we would if we took an airplane. Time for a peaceful night.

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