Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fernandina - last day at a mooring

An art gallery in town has local artists. Nice display.
We spent our second day at Fernandina exploring the shops and just walking around the town. It's quite compact with most of the shops within a 1/2 mile of the marina. Ann likes the bookstore which specializes in novels for young kids. I guess they know their customers (grandparents!)

Humm, proper attitude required too?
The winds have died down and it's perfectly calm now, not a whisper of wind. The high Friday will barely reach 70 but it will warm up after that. I think that the next time we come by we'll just anchor out. The mooring is closer to the docks but for $20 I can motor a little further.

I was repairing the galley faucet this afternoon when the end snapped off and I was left with a useless shower head and the remained jammed into the supply hose, impossible to get out. With that I order a new shower head from the manufacturer. This thing is supposed to be high quality but the part that broke off was plastic, ugh. Now Ann has just a hose for a water supply in the galley until we get to Titusville when the replacement part will arrive. It seems that there's always something breaking on a boat.

This is the one and only jellyfish we've seen
We'll leave Friday morning for Harbortown marina in Jacksonville, we know the dockmaster there and we've stopped on every trip south so far. It's very protected and less expensive than at a large marina in Jacksonville itself. It's nice to be in Florida, they take care of their part of the ICW!
Clear skies, good sunset

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