Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cedar Creek - at anchor

Shrimp boat at Hobucken - a crowd!
The day was perfect for making good time going south on the ICW. The wind was 5 kts or less, no waves and the Neuse River was as calm as a lake. With the good weather in advance of the remnants of Karen, we decided to push on to Cedar Creek on Adams Creek, about 53 miles from the Pamlico Plantation and we arrived around 3:00 pm after leaving Pamlico at 8:00 am. Even though it was a Saturday, there wasn't much activity on the water - no wind for sailboats!

"A beach just for me!"
We passed by Hobucken and the shrimp boats were out in force. We counted 9 shrimp boats docked as we passed by. We didn't consider stopping for the night since it was only noon. We had never seen so many shrimp boats before there, business must be good.

Bird best holder...
We anchored at Cedar Creek and took a tour of the area. They also have a shrimp boat dock with three, huge boats at the docks. I guess they don't work on a Saturday since nobody was out. The anchorage here is protected and very pretty with many creek side homes lining the anchorage. Most of them appeared to be empty now, at least we never saw anybody in the ones nearby.  

Ann took this picture of the shrimp boats at Cedar Creek
Karen seems to be slowing down and weakening so we plan on taking advantage of that and push on each day. We checked last year's blog and found that we're a week ahead of last year's progress. If we have extra time, we'll have an extended stay at Vero Beach which is always fun. We plan on making the Swansboro anchorage Sunday night and look at the weather again for the next day. 

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