Cruising Tips

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hampton - at a dock and dinner at the Tap House

We were under sail and overtook the boat above
We were pretty tight in the dock at Fishing Bay YC so we fended off as Ann backed Fleetwing out of the dock. She turned smartly and off we went. We negotiated the narrow, winding channel once again without an incident and we headed out. The wind piped up this morning to 15 to 20 kts and we were able to sail south for almost two hours before the wind died, the first time we ever sailed in the Chesapeake the last three years.

What a great selection of beers on tap!
We reached Hampton Downtown Public Piers by 2:00 pm and had some challenges getting into our slip since it's at right angles to the flow of current and wind. However, no damage was done and we regrouped in the cockpit. Later on we marched over to The Taphouse Grill for a selection of beers on tap and pub food. Both the beer selection and the food is excellent with both at very reasonable prices. We always stop by on our way north or south.

On Friday we'll provision and I'll find a new camera to replace my Canon 310HS that refuses to retract the lens back into the case. There was nothing obviously wrong with it, no hits, etc. but it just hangs up when turned off now and the lens stays out and won't take a photo. We'll do some sightseeing with Rudy and Alison in the afternoon. On Saturday we'll continue our trek south through the Dismal Swamp, hopefully it'll be a little deeper than last spring when we constantly hit logs laying on the bottom.
On yesterday's quiz, the correct answer is "B", follow the markers! Although the GPS is accurate to a few feet, the charts are not and are often off 20 to 50 ft which can make a big difference in finding deep water on the ICW.
No quiz tonight, take the day off!

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