Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Chesapeake City at anchor

Kind of a pretty anchorage and protected from waves from the Bay - with Hoolie relief!
It was an easy ride to Chesapeake City in the Delaware - Chesapeake Canal. The city has an anchorage for visiting cruisers that is free to use and they even dredged it to 12 ft last year. Clearly, they want cruisers to feel welcomed and to spend their money in town. There's also two marinas where you can pay for a slip and the town also offers three bulkhead slips for visiting boats for free, very friendly town! There are multiple restaurants and there was a wedding party in town with the ceremony set up on the town green.

Still working - providing carbon free energy
We're at the far end of the anchorage, away from the "free music" of the two restaurants and close to Hoolie relief at a nearby dinghy dock. The weather forecast (for what it's worth) predicts strong winds for the next 24 hours with lots of rain and a small craft advisory for tonight. With that we'll sit out Sunday at the anchorage here and take life easy. Monday is much better with 10 kt winds out of the north, perfect for sailing to Annapolis to pick up Rudy and Alison for the next leg of the trip.

The anchorage can get crowded but there's still plenty of room - can you spot Fleetwing?
So now it's raining and Hoolie and I are drying off  from our run into shore in the dinghy. Regardless of the weather, Hoolie has to get into shore! We're hoping for a calm night.

I thought I would start a short quiz section on the blog based on what I've learned in three years of negotiating the ICW, a new question everyday until I run out of questions. So here goes:
Q1: The ICW is notorious for not being straight. In navigating the curves, is it best to:
            A: Take the shortest path between buoys, don't waste time.
            B: Always stay in the middle, it's deepest there
            C: Favor the outside of bends, it's a longer path but the depth is usually better
Answer tomorrow.

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