Cruising Tips

Monday, June 17, 2013

Shannonbridge - We visit the pubs

                    In a Ireland, In a local pub, the musicians 

After I finished my blog last night, we headed into town for a pub that had signs out claiming to have live Irish music. It didn't start until 9:30, rather late for us but we persevered.. When we arrived the place was packed. Since I am now drinking Guinness (it grows on you after awhile) I  ordered a pint. The town is very small, no tourists in sight except for us. 

                     Leathen meets the local patrons, he's the one next to the post

A three piece band arrived, all with guitars and proceeded to warm up, rather loudly. The big surprise, at least to us, was that the music was instantly recognizable, it was music you would hear in any bar in the US! One of the selections was Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, a selection you will always hear at least once a night in any bar at Key West. The band was playing what the customers wanted to hear, not what the tourists (us) thought they ought to play. 

                   Next door to the pub, a store with everything!

Oh well, the bar itself had a lot of character. Leathen struck up a conversation with several patrons at the bar (his last name is Mehaffey and he looks Irish) which we watched from our table. The main thrust of the conversation was trying to get him in trouble with his wife (e.g., promising that she would sing along or, better yet, do a solo). They did not succeed but fun was had by all.

                      Typical store front of a pub inIreland

The bar was part of the local general store that literally had everything that any Irish family could possibly want. The selection was enormous although not in quantity for any one item, the photo shows about 1/4th of the store. 

When we left, the patrons were still going strong. We were told that the Irish generally got up later but then stayed up longer than anyone else, we had no argument with that statement. We will continue our northward trek Tuesday and try to find an Irish bar that actually plays real Irish music!


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