Cruising Tips

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dublin - at the Arlington Hotel

                         The acid rain takes a tolls on stone buildings

The trip back was all on the Irish equivalent of an interstate. Just looking at the highway, you could have been stateside, except, of course, the cars driving on the left. The car we rented from Hertz was diesel and got 54 miles/gal. It had a 6 speed gearbox and was very responsive, as good as any gasoline car in the states. There was plenty of room for four and a trunk that too four large suitcases and three carry on bags. One wonders why you can't buy such a car in the U.S. By the way, it didn't smoke or output any soot that we could see.

             Performance time at the Temple Bar

On the way we stopped at a chapel built on a 100 ft high rock. The area was much fought over to secure the high ground around 1000 AD. They are now trying to restore the structure since it was made of sandstone which is being eroded by acid rain. A metal roof was built above the old roof to protect it. 

         Whiskey anyone? -  if it's made, they have it

We checked in at our hotel in Dublin and then went looking for pubs. We found the Temple Bar, a pub that actually plays traditional Irish music. it's loud and crowded, typical of the pubs in Ireland but everyone seemed to be having fun. 

  Here's just their Irish whiskey selection, they have much more from Scotland and the rest of the world

We leave Dublin at 3:30 pm and arrived at JFK around 6:00 pm, at least that's the plan. It's been a lot of fun exploring Ireland and the people have all been so friendly but it's time to return. We plan on another trip down the ICW starting 9/15 or so depending on the weather and I'll restart the blog then.

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