Cruising Tips

Friday, May 17, 2013

Solomons - at anchor

Early morning departure
We covered 54 Nm today in absolutely perfect conditions. The wind was exactly on the nose (what else is new?) but it was only about 10 kts and the water was flat except for small 1 ft waves. So we got going about 7:00 am and motored all the way at 7.3 kts.

Bill Washburn of PYC must have relatives here?
The east side of the Chesapeake has several bombing ranges used by the navy and today they were planning to use one that we passed within two miles of. We heard a lot of activity over the VHF in setting the time and warning off boats. Overhead, jets were circling all the time and one was even the stealth jet! It has a very distinctive outline, strange looking. We got out of the area about two hours before the bombing runs were to start. The target of the runs was to be a derelict steel boat sunk in the shallows that still provided a silhouette for the jets. It's shown on the charts of the Chesapeake with a circle around it warning all boater to stay clear, we did!

It's spring time!
Onward, we reached the Solomons around 3:00 and refueled before heading for the anchorage by the Holiday Inn. For us it's very convenient since they offer a dinghy dock which we use for Hoolie relief at $2/day. The anchorage itself is protected 360 degrees, completely quiet. You could ride out a hurricane in here. We'll stay the night and then head out Saturday for Rock Hall. We had intended going to Annapolis but with such good weather (for a change!) we'll make the additional northing to Rock Hall.
End of a good day

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