Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hampton - we see Norfolk Botanical Gardens

One of many vistas in the gardens
Having to kill time waiting for weather doesn't have to be all bad. We had rain in the morning but the afternoon was predicted to be clear. With that expectation, we used the morning to do some minor provisioning with Don and Liz Bunch and then set out for the Norfolk Botanical Gardens in the afternoon. The gardens were started in 1938 and has expanded from there. It now covers 155 acres with 64,800 plantings by 12 miles of paved walkways. It's an enormous place and absolutely beautiful!

I had never seen multicolored roses before. They start out red and then turn yellow as the blossoms mature. This one is in between the color changes. 
Needless to say, we took lots and lots of photos and the flowers were stunning. Unfortunately, it's one of those places where you had to be there to appreciate the sights, photos just do not do the job. One thing you did not see were weeds, nowhere to be found! Also, there were no indications of damaging insects or plant diseases.

Another one of about 100 photos
We will endure the northern winds with the accompanied cool weather and hope for southern winds on Wednesday as predicted. Then we'll finally head north again, about time!
Always stunning

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