Cruising Tips

Monday, May 27, 2013

Atlantic Highlands - at anchor

Nothing but pilings left after hurricane Sandy - there used to be docks herer
We left at 5:35 am, at first light. Ann backed out of the slip while I handled the lines and put everything away. We finally started out the channel at 6:00 am and made it into the Atlantic Highlands anchorage by 5:00 pm. Today was the first day in the last seven that we had decent weather for going north and we were joined by a dozen boats doing the same route. We hoisted our mainsail and when the south winds picked up, we passed three trawlers as the winds added another 0.5 kts to our usual 7.3 kt cruising speed.

Even Hoolie was cold this morning, he was shivering until Ann wrapped him up!
It was a calm ride north in contrast to the weather up to then (small craft advisory, 35 kt gusts, 4 to 7 ft waves, etc.). We only had a 2 ft swell to contend with, nothing at all really. So we are pleased to at last be anchored in protected waters and we'll start out for PYC in the morning. We may try to make PYC in one day or we may decide to split the trip up into two days, don't know yet, depends on how we feel by Haverstraw.

End of a long day!
Atlantic Highlands, where we're at tonight, was devastated by hurricane Sandy. The pilings are still there but the docks were all washed away. Only a few moorings have been put in but that doesn't bother us since we anchor out anyway. It's got to take at least the entire summer to get all the docks back in. This was a big marina but it's a shadow of its former self now.

We'll get up at daybreak again and see how we doing on going north. It would be nice to make PYC but it depends on how we feel, it was a long day today. 

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