Cruising Tips

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Atlantic City - fog and high winds and waves

Fog all day long - and drizzle with high winds!

Not a good day for weather. The wind gusts topped out at 31 kts this afternoon with steady winds of 20 or so kts with fog all day long. It was certainly not a good day for going north so we stayed in harbor! There are a dozen or so boats like us also in harbor waiting for better weather. Monday still looks good for our departure. The wind starts to die down on Sunday but the Atlantic is still all worked up. We'll give it another day for the waves to die down some before venturing out. Unfortunately, it's now certain that we will miss Anchors Aweigh at PYC which is on Saturday night. With that we decided to celebrate Anchors Aweigh with a night out at The Charthouse at the Golden Nugget casino.

We may have company depending upon how far John Kwak gets on Friday. He's down in Cape May and may head north on Friday but we don't know for sure what his plans are. At any rate, we have reservations for 6:15 at the Charthouse, just for us or maybe more.

No sun today!
The weather here, in case your haven't heard yet, is just terrible. Nobody is having much fun in the Chesapeake either (Don and Liz Bunch have been complaining). They're getting much the same winds and rains as we are.

Eventually, the skies will clear, the warm breezes will arise and we'll gently head north, Right(!?) So we did a wash and the technician came by this morning with a new oil pressure sensor that he installed. Of course, when we first turned on the genset before putting in the new sensor, the readout was perfect!! It's like sailing, the wind is always on the nose - same thing for when you call the mechanic to fix the  _____ (substitute any piece of mechanical equipment), it always operates perfectly until the second he leaves. However, in this case he installed the new sensor anyway on the belief that it's the most likely cause of the problem, we'll see. The Admiral is not pleased.

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