Cruising Tips

Friday, May 3, 2013

At the Zeisings - Very windy

We stayed on the boat last night, not a good decision since the wind was out of the east, a very bad direction for the anchorage. It was bouncy all night long. We slept okay since we're used to a little rocking but tonight we're staying in the guest bedroom, much stabler.

Saturday is more of the same, same wind and waves so we'll spend another day here before heading north on Sunday when the wind is supposed to abate somewhat. The Bunches are due to join us on their boat but they have to come down the Palmico which will be a rough ride if they do it on Saturday. It's wait and see what the weather holds.

Bill took this photo of us at anchor in the early morning hours after the wind died just a little bit after sunrise, but then it piped up again an hour later! The photo of the dinghy at the dock was taken later in the day, not a safe trip to the boat then. We went out for a short visit around 8:00 pm when the wind died just a little.

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