Cruising Tips

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Swansboro - at anchor

Nice seeing the sun after yesterday

North Carolina has two very annoying bridges. The two only open once per hour so if you miss the opening by just a few minutes, you have to wait around for a long time. It plays havoc with your scheduling. On top of that, another bridge that was supposed to open on the hour and 1/2 hour was down for maintenance and only opened on top of the hour - more delays!

The dinghy dock is right next door, very convenient
I supposed we should be lucky that Cape Lejeune, a marine training area on the ICW, did not have live ammunition practice today so the ICW which goes through their area was open. Nor did we have any thunderstorms today or rain of any type, much more pleasant without the rain!

You can see how close we are to town
We rolled into Swansboro around 2:30 and dropped the hook. The town has an excellent anchorage and a dinghy dock for taking pets ashore. Looking at the diesel I discovered a seepage near the fuel injectors that I need to look into. I called my expert in Connecticut, Brian McDonnell of McDonnell Marine with the result that I'll take a photo tomorrow before wiping off any seepage so Brian can see the problem first hand. There's nothing that Brian doesn't know about Volvo engines, he's the Northeast Dealer for Volvo and does all their warranty work.

All the storms have passed us by and it's perfectly calm now. Our next stop is at the Cedar Creek anchorage and then on to the anchorage out in front of the Zeisings. 

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