Cruising Tips

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Savannah at Hinckley Yacht Service

A nice sunrise in a deserted anchorage

There was rain and thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon so we got up in good season and off the anchor by 8:30, early for us and in the process saw a sunrise. The night was absolutely still and the stars were out in force since there were no nearby towns to light up the sky. Our new genset started up on time and we appreciated the convenience of the new power supply.

The winds died off later in the day and the trip to Savannah was a welcomed calm ride. Even Hell Gate was calm and no problem. All the trips through the shallow spots were with a 6 ft tide so there was no anxiety at all! Usually we hit those spots at dead low! 

Hinckley's docks are not fancy, they are noted for their excellent repair services
We're meeting up with Lee Fry and his wife Emma Rose on Monday afternoon. We first met Lee out in Colorado when we were 2nd Lieutenants in the Air Force, so long ago and yet not so far ago in memories. We'll have some catching up to do and Hoolie will have some playmates, Lee's bringing his dogs so Hoolie will have company!

Coming into the dock here, there was nobody to help us since Hinckley has nobody around during the weekend. Ann manned the helm as we slipped in with a following tide to an inside dock, she can maneuver Fleetwing like an expert now - nothing like experience. We'll be here until Wednesday morning when we'll head out for Charleston.  

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