Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hilton Head Marina - at a dock

Casting for shrimp - quite an art form, to do it right

It was a joy to watch the temperature gauge in the cockpit stay right where it's supposed to, at 185F! I'm sure it's hard for those who do not spend a lot of time on their boats to appreciate the satisfaction of that but it's a relief for me!

We usually get 20 to 30 channels of TV but on nights when there's nothing on that we want to watch, we revert to TV miseries. They offer a lot of viewing time for not much money and so far we've seen Pillars of theEarth and 3/4 of the Rome series by HBO. They are much more cost effective than a movie and are done just as good. We are currently in Rome II and where Antony just entered Egypt and met Cleopatra. We have a DVD player connected to our 32 inch LED LCD TV which is the equal of our setup at home.

Sunset at Hilton Head
Meanwhile, we're making our way north and we are currently at Hilton Head. We're aiming for a long day on Thursday to reach the Steamboat Creek anchorage by late afternoon, about 54 miles away. We'll pass through some of the shallowest water on the ICW along the way so wish us luck. 

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