Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Titusville - Last day

Right next door, he was hunting!
The boat one down from us has a bow that the osprey favor. With all the wildlife in the area, some can become a nuisance but then the osprey likes to hunt from high perches and the bow of the boat is ideal for being close enough to the water (fish!!) and still high enough for good scanning of the area.  With the abundance of wildlife in the area, I don't think anyone goes hungry.

We did our usual things on the last day of a stay in a marina - do laundry, check for packages, etc. Hoolie has been in dog heaven given his twice a day runs at the dog park. There's always other dogs to play with but Hoolie just mostly runs and runs and runs. He comes back to the boat all pooped out.

Farewell photo
We saw nothing of the alligator today. There were plenty of manatees still around and ospreys but no alligator that we could see. The trouble is that he could still be lurking somewhere, out of sight and would come to any splash of water (don't fall in!!) thinking of prey. We'll get started Wednesday around 8:00 and head to the New Smyrna Beach City Marina. We've never stopped there before since we'd rather go the extra 3 miles to the Rockhouse Creek anchorage. However, by the time we reached that area, it would be a drain tide (a tide below even the normal low tide) and there are two spots where 3.5 ft have been reported in the ICW at low tide. So discretion being the better part of valor, we decided to layup at the marina just before the shallow spots and traverse them on a rising tide the next morning.

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