Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Titusville - Dog Parks

So much room to run! But Hoolie already did that, he's pooped out
Titusville is a town that's trying hard. With the space program giving fewer launches, the attraction to Titusville as a place to watch the rockets take off has lessened. As a result many of the local stores have closed. The local shopping center with Penny's as the anchor store has closed as well as the more local downtown shopping area. However, the town has not given up. They've invested in several new parks by the waterfront, a new sidewalk into town from the marina, have kept the town looking in great shape (no grass growing in the sidewalk cracks, no divider lanes covered in weeds - as in Poughkeepsie) and in general they are trying hard to weather the current economic downturn. 

The usual afternoon crowd gathers with their dogs
For the marina, they decided to start a free shuttle service to downtown Titusville from the marina starting April 1, in time for the annual northern migration of boats (we're a little early for that). Next door to the marina is a world class dog park. It has two fenced in areas for dog exercise. One for dogs larger than 25 lbs and one for dogs smaller than 25 lbs. The dog parks themselves are a good reason to stop in Titusville. There's always a crowd with their dogs which gives Hoolie a chance to socialize with others of his kind. He just runs and runs and runs until he can run no more. 

After 5 hours of doing taxes, it was time for a break so naturally we headed to the dog park, only about a 5 min walk away. We heard back from Sadler Marine, our new genset arrived! It's a 6kw Kohler unit that is waiting for us in Jacksonville at the Sadlier Point Marina where we plan on being April 1, a Monday, for installation, another adventure - I'll take pictures. 

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