Cruising Tips

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sadler Marina in Jacksonville - next to the travel lift

John and Michele Kwak

We left around 9:30 or so in order to catch the flood tide to Jacksonville which is about 15 miles down the St Johns River. The current here can run up to 3 kts so you certainly want to catch a favorable tide!

At least on an Easter Sunday, there was very little traffic on the river. Proceeding along we came to several sets of free docks offered by the city of Jacksonville. The ones by the downtown area looked pretty good. There's no electric or water but then they are free docks! John Kwak docked his boat there and spent several days enjoying the downtown area. We passed by him on the way to our marina where the genset will be installed.

May or may not have to be hauled - but still in mud at low tide
We're now tied up at Sadler Point Marina and the festivities will start at 8:30 am on Monday. Meanwhile, we're sitting in mud at the moment. We pulled in at high tide and saw 4.3 ft on the depth meter - which is located in front of the keel. Off the back of the boat we had 7 ft. However, tonight is a drain tide and we expect to lose 1.6 ft of water! So we're tied off and should be okay on our flat bottom keel, a specialty of the Beneteau 423 design. 

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