Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Miami at Marine Stadium

Puff the Magic Dragon! Note the down filled jackets (it was all of 65 out at the time)!

Today was a day of wind. We saw 27 kts on the wind dial in the afternoon. However, we were anchored fine and really didn't see much wave action in our protected anchorage. The cold front from you guys up north finally reached us today and will settle in tonight with a low in the high 50's, very cold for this area. We'll have a couple more days of this weather before recovering back into the high 70's by Tuesday.

The paddlers in the war canoe were out this morning and they were dressed as if they were going skiing up north! I snapped a photo as they sped by. Someone on the boat was beating a drum in rhythm with the paddlers (or rather the other way around). Look at the name on the canoe, "Puff".

The sun, it's really there - been hiding for the last few days
We finally saw a decent sunset this evening, the sun has been a rare guest recently but he came out tonight for a brief visit. Tuesday still looks good for going north to Ft Lauderdale. The winds are wild before and after Tuesday so we're hoping that the forecast holds for our moving day. 

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