Cruising Tips

Monday, March 4, 2013

Marine Stadium at Miami - Last day

Osprey - keeping track of us
It was much warmer today, finally! No clouds, full sun = warm cockpit when you have a full enclosure. The winds finally died off and the seas are predicted to subside to only 2 to 3 ft by Tuesday when we plan on making the outside passage to Ft Lauderdale. Learning by out mistakes last time, we'll time the exit out the channel with slack tide. We had a wild ride last year when we left with a 2.5 kt current behind us and 3 ft waves coming into the channel from the ocean. The combination was very exciting... We plan on a little less excitement this time.

You would think this is not such a good idea - but they all do it
It was so calm today that we took a dinghy ride around the anchorage and the nearby marina. There's lots of wildlife in the area and the crew teams were out in force today too. The water was perfectly flat, just right for their practice sessions. You can get ice at the nearby marina with all the stacked boats. I can't see how that's a good idea if there's a high wind. It would seem the boats would get blown off since some are stacked 5 high! I guess they must deal with it somehow, you can see boats stacked like that up and down the ICW.

Hmmm, Phil must have more resources than we figured....
Slack tide at the entrance channel is 9:44 so we'll haul anchor starting at 8:50. It's been buried by 27 kts winds so it ought to be interesting, we never moved during even the highest gusts. It's times like this that you're glad you have a washdown pump at the bow.
Our evening entertainment

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I'd take the "new" boat out for a spin.LOL
