Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hypoluxo - Palm Beach Yacht Center - doctors

The palm tree is totally dominate in this area -  you never see one uprooted by wind

Doctors, doctors. Joe had an eye treatment today and Ann had a meeting with a pulmonary doctor, so it was long hours in the spent in getting ready, sitting in waiting rooms and seeing the doctors. Oh well, life does not stop even if you're cruising. You still have to attend to problems. Luckily, we have nothing but good things to say about our experiences with medical facilities along the ICW. Ann is doing much better now, she had a series of colds that her allergies intensified into bronchitis and constant coughing.

Dear Fleetwing - sprung from all sides, needed for last night's winds
After all the medical visits, we just stopped by a Publix supermarket and got a rotisserie chicken and a few sides for dinner. We hope for calmer conditions than last night when the wind blew out of the south, directly into the marina and onto the back of our boat at 20 to 25 kts! There's about a mile of reach for the waves to build up and we heard them slapping up against the aft section all night long. The wind has now shifted around to out of the west, the most protected direction of all since the marina is on the west bank of the ICW.

With the winds to gust to 25 kts or more out of the north on Wednesday and Thursday, we'll stay here until Friday when winds calm down to a more reasonable 10 to 15 kts. Pounding into north winds and waves driven by a 25 kt wind should be avoided if you want a comfortable ride as we do. 

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