Cruising Tips

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hobe Sound - at anchor

Tiger Woods place on the ICW iin Jupiter - with a par 3 course

Today was a 12 bridge day and we didn't do so well. The tide was against us all the way and we missed two bridges by a couple of minutes each resulting in 1/2 hour waits at both. The killer for making bridges is when one bridge is late ("waiting for traffic to clear...") and the next bridge is ready to go on the dot.

Our first sunset in awhile - we need a few more clouds
Eventually we made Hobe Sound which is the back side of Jupiter Island, the home of many multimillionaires, one of which is Tiger Woods. We knew where his home was from satellite photos posted on Google Earth so as we went by I snapped a few photos. Unfortunately, it's pretty well shielded from the ICW side. You could see the par 3 holes  by his home in the satellite photos but they were not visible from the water. 

We're now anchored just north of his home, very peaceful. The wind has finally died down and it's due to warm up over the next few days after a cool night tonight. Our next stop will be Vero Beach on a mooring, leaving here in the morning. 

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