Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ft Lauderdale - we visit the Kwaks

On New River in Ft Lauderdale

More boat projects today, mainly doing laundry. At least the marina has the best laundry facilities on the ICW (6 washers, 6 dryers, big folding table and A/C - how exciting it that!!) Oh well, necessary. If you ever travel the ICW you'll come to appreciate it. We are sure glad we're inside now. The weatherman is predicting 7 to 9 ft seas for the next four days! It's the backside of the storm up north that's dumping snow in Washington and NYC. We thought we'd take a walk over to the beach on Sunday to see if the waves really are that big.

Standard towing procedure in New River (narrow, lots of current) Notice the opposite directions of pull by the tugs. The one in back is a "drag" so the big boat can be maneuvered around bends
With temps in the 70's, we took a dinghy ride over to see the Kwaks on New River in Ft Lauderdale. It winds its way through the heart of the downtown section of the city. It was quite a bit rougher than we expected. The sides of the "river" are concrete bulwarks and they reflect the waves from passing boats to create a very confused wave pattern. On top of that, the river which is more like a canal is very narrow and yet huge yachts navigate along its length. There are three bridges that have to open for John Kwak's boat which involves treading water in 1 to 2 kts of current with other boats doing the same nearby. I don't think I want to take Fleetwing down that river. John said he had some exciting moments coming into his dock which is at right angles to the current which was flowing pretty good at the time. He's expecting crew to arrive Thursday evening but with the prediction of 7 to 9 ft seas, they're probably not going outside anytime soon.

We're biding our time here, just resting up and enjoying the warm weather  before heading north again on Monday to see Joe Mastri. 

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