Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Key West Cold Front

This is how you dress for 65 degree weather, even in the sun  in Key West
What passes for a cold front in Key West put the temperature down to 61 today! The wind continued to blow in the 25 kt range but eventually slackened off after noon to the teens. It's interesting to see the contrast between the local "Conchs" (a Key West native, specifically, one born in Key West) vs the tourists. When the temperature drifts below 70, the natives bring out the long pants, the hooded sweatshirts and even jackets, sometime with down insulation! When we had to visit the Key West hospital (that's another story) the nurse, a native, was dressed in long pants with long-johns under them along with a long sleeve shirt and a sweater - and this was inside the building! Meanwhile I'm sitting there in my bermuda shorts and a golf shirt. I guess it's all a matter of what you're used to.

Yep, the guy on the right is from Key West.

We learned about Key West allergies last night. The doctor said that they get a lot of calls from tourists visiting Key West with allergies. The culprit locally is coral dust from the beaches. If the winds are high, the dust is driven airborne and has a history of affecting many sensitive people, my wife was one last night. People expect Key West to be pristine but it's not due to the coral dust whipped up by the incessant winds. On the other hand, I have not been affected, only Ann. So take caution if you have asthma or tend to be affected by allergies if you come to Key West.

Well, today we were busy getting the last of the boat chores done in preparation for our son and his family's visit on Monday for a week. The water tanks are full, the oil changed - we are ready?!

1 comment:

  1. Bob,it was 62 here in Puerto Aventurras this morning,reached in low 70s at mid day. Locals here wore huge winter jackets. Last week we ha very high humity,so a welcome relief.
