Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

From 17 to 80!

Welcome sign outside Cuban Coffee Queen - you must try the Cuban Mix sandwich!!
There's nothing like seeing your kids go from freezing weather (36 inches of snow, 17 degrees, 20 kts winds) to Key West temperatures of 80s and 5 to 10 kts of wind! It tends to slow them down and they just soak up the sun and warm breezes. Mostly that's what happened today. Perhaps on Wednesday they'll gain some ambition and explore the area but first things first!

Key West has room for at least three cruise ships
With the return of warm weather, the crowds have come back. I took Hoolie for a walk tonight and it was like a summer evening in New York - shorts and shirt sleeves and everybody was out and about in the night air.

Want a palm tree, no problem, just order one
In getting on the boat, we grab hold of the jib and slide on but the friction of a hand against the sail rubbed a piece of the UV protective cloth off so with a trip to West Marine, about one block away, I picked up a strip of sail repair tape and now it's protected against further wear, there's always something to do on a boat.

Always seems to be one person missing out of these group photos?!
On Wednesday we plan on finding a beach to hang out on and for wearing out the kids if that's possible, at least that's the plan.

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