Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ann's visit to the hair salon, a night at Finnegan's Wake

If you rent a room as one of the southern hotels at Key West - you have your own view
Given the stereotyping of Key West (think P-town), you would think there would be lots of good hair stylists and you would be right. Ann found Bello Salon and took the plunge this afternoon for an original cut. She's very happy with the results (me too).

Ann and her stylist
We did some more exploring of Key West along the Truman Annex. The streets are all dead-ends so there's very little traffic which on Saturday was very thick! Key West has been invaded by cars and having Rt 1 only one way doesn't help! Still, it's Key West, traffic, people and all.

Fiona at Finnegan's Wake
Tonight we went to Finnegan's Wake to hear Fiona Molloy perform Irish melodies. She has a knack for getting the audience involved in the music. Everybody claps and even a few from the audience go up to add local color to the songs.

Snowy New York
And, I looked at our driveway this morning, glad we missed that! (we have 6 webcams scattered inside and outside the house to keep track of things - which I access from any internet connected computer - or my iPad or iPhone)

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