Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wahoo River - at anchor

We've now run into naturally occurring palm trees!
The prediction was for winds of 15 to 25 kts but they never materialized. We had briefly considered staying for another day at Hinckley of Savannah  but decided to move on anyway. We left around 8:00 am and had a perfect day for traveling. In addition to the high tides which are very nice for the shallow spots, the winds never peaked as predicted and the wave action was minimal.

We are now anchored in the Wahoo River (some name!) and the wind has calmed down to less than 4 kts although the current is running 0.7 kts. In this area of the ICW there are 8 ft tides, almost as in Maine! This place is mud city if you take Hoolie ashore during low tide - which we had to do when we first arrived. So Hoolie got a wipe down, a common occurrence on this boat. This is the first anchorage where we've seen wild palm trees. We are finally getting far enough south to get warm! Temps were in the 70's today but on Monday the highs are only in the 60's.

Wine, warm breezes, great view, a deserted anchorage - what more to want?
We are watching Sandy develop and will be accessing our webcams at the house to see how we do there. We had a willow tree fall during Irene and hopefully no damage will be caused by Sandy, we'll be standing by via webcams.

On Monday we're headed for Jekyll Island and the anchorage there by the boat ramp, a convenient spot for Hoolie relief. It's a 50 mile trip so we'll leave early and hopefully get in before dead low tide at Jekyll - it's very shallow on the approach to the island, one of the worse stretches of the ICW.

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