Cruising Tips

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stonington - At anchor

Skipper's on the deck - beautiful. It was the only restaurant that served whole lobsters in Stonington
It was a very quiet day, no crew - no swimmers off the back of the boat, no one to help haul anchor, no one to run the dinghy, no one to help with Hoolie's trips to shore and the dinner table has shrunk! Now it's just the two of us for everything - a startling adjustment after two weeks.

Now it's time to get the boat back to PYC and get ready for our ICW cruise starting 9/15. But first take a slow route west, no hurry. We had intended going out to Cuttyhunk but the weather wasn't looking so good so we returned to Stonington today and found the Mehaffeys there too. Now Ann had been hoping for a lobster dinner on this trip and that was one of the attractions of Cuttyhunk where the "Lobster Lady" resides (you pick a lobster out, she cooks it, you take it back to the boat - very fresh). With the absence of Cuttyhunk from our itinerary, we looked for a place for lobster in Stonington and found Skipper's Restaurant so we dinked over at 6:00, met Ann and Leathem Mehaffey and we had our lobster!

The wind is supposed to pipe up tonight and storms are due Wednesday as a front comes through so we'll be here another day. Our plans beyond Wednesday are not fully formed yet, it all depends on the weather - as always! We just enjoy hanging out on the boat having fun. The lifestyle may not be for everyone but for us it fits perfectly what we want to do! Can't wait for our ICW trip!

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