Cruising Tips

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Port Jefferson - At anchor, very crowded!

Wow, all the boats coming in!
One more boat came in later for a total of only three in the Mattituck anchorage on a Saturday night. Although it was nice to be so uncrowded, it was entirely unexpected during the summer months. We left on a rising tide but we could have made it at dead low with nothing under 5 ft (we draw 4' 9").

Exiting the inlet we were met with no wind! Long Island Sound was glassy smooth and it was once again a motoring day. We didn't see many boats on the Sound but when we got the the Port Jefferson inlet, all that changed! There were about 15 boats all coming into PJ at the time we arrived and 10 or so making an exit, what a crowd! We got in line and motored in and headed for our usual anchorage to the west of the channel in. However, it was packed! There were two sets of boats rafted together and there was no room for us.

We always enjoy a good sunset!
We have an alternate anchorage we use at PJ to the east of the channel in by the large house on the hill south of The Sand Pit several hundred feet off shore. It's usually deserted and it was this time too. There's a sandy shore nearby perfect for Hoolie relief so it's great for us.

This was the last night when the Mehaffeys will be with us on this trip so Ann prepared hamburgers off the back of the boat with a salad, we had a great meal. On Monday it's off to Milford and new batteries.

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