Cruising Tips

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Port Jefferson at anchor - Hot, Hot, Hot!

Here, Sarah is steering the dinghy by herself!
ahoy there is me sarah!i have awoken we are have walked hoole and i drived  the dink and i found more shells for my collection.   we are now going to sailing on the sea while making a wind chime with magicail colors.afther that i steered the fleetwing for 25 minutes then matt took over and i kept on working on my wind chime.

It was supposed to be cooler today but it still reached 95 at Port Jefferson! We had all of 2 kts of wind along the way and zero kts when we dropped the anchor, sweltering! The kids played in the water all afternoon so they were nice and cool and Nana even got in the water some. We took Hoolie ashore and was about to turn on the genset and the A/C when a breeze suddenly came in from the southwest and cooled things off. The temperature dropped to only 85 which felt like springtime compared to earlier in the afternoon.

The kids eat well!  Steak, grilled out tonight!
So now it's 82 and very comfortable but from the radar I can see lines of thunderstorms headed out way, due to arrive after midnight, ought to be fun! In fact, thunderstorms are predicted to be around all day Wednesday so we'll probably just stay at Port Jefferson tomorrow. We have a dock reserved at Milford on Thursday which will make for a short cruise over to Branford on Friday to meet up with the rest of Sarah's and Matt's family.

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