Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 19, 2012

North Cove - On a free mooring

Nice garden right by the dinghy dock - North Cove YC is in the background
The bad storms never materialized last night but we did get some strong winds out of the north. We did a 180 on the anchor and it reset in the new direction. I have a GPS in the forward cabin which I use to keep track of where we're at relative to the anchor without having to go up on top and take sights. It's a real time saver and peace of mind. I set the anchor location on the GPS upon first anchoring and from then on can tell how far away the bow is and watch it swing as the wind direction changes. If the anchor drags, I can see it first on the GPS. So far it has not dragged.

Hunting for crabs
Raising the anchor in the morning, I discovered that there's a lot of sea grass on the bottom in Stonington. I imagine it could cause some problems with some anchors but we were okay. We finally got away around 10:00 (life is tough being retired, so demanding...) and headed west to the Connecticut River and North Cove. Ann Leathem Mehaffey left before us and we found a mooring right next to them in the cove. There's not a lot of shopping near North Cove but there is a small grocery store so I was off to provision as best we could, you learn to take advantage of every opportunity. The cove itself is calm and usually devoid of people during the week but tonight they had a regatta, lots of activity! Plus, there's always kids crabbing off the docks.

We invited Ann and Leathem over for dinner, very pleasant, and on Thursday we're headed across the Sound to Mattituck again. Hopefully it won't be too crowded on a Friday night, we'll see.

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