Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Milford City Landing - at a dock

"I was messy..."
ahoy there is me sarah!i have awoken we have walk hoolie and went back to the sand dunes and i climbed one of the highest, two times.we went back to the boat to go swimming on the back of the boat i did the breast stroke,jumped, dived and did the cannon ball! then got ready to go sailing, i did not get to steer  the boat because it was a short ride.we are now docked the boat and seeing lots of ducks, swans, geese and egrets! we have ate and now have gone to get ice creaam i was messy! yesterday we saw fireworks!

We finally got hit with rain in the early morning hours but not with any thunder or lightening. Since Milford was only 15 miles away, we took another trip to the Sand Pit since Sarah wanted to climb the dunes again! Up and down she went, giving Matthew a real test. Then it was off the back of the boat for another hour or so of swimming, diving and generally splashing around.

We finally got underway around noon and headed across the Sound. As usual, there wasn't much wind and what there was (8 kts) came exactly out of the direction we were headed (but that's no surprise..)  So we motored once again for a ways until, much to our astonishment, the wind shifted to off port and we could actually sail for awhile - will wonders never cease!

Rumor has it that Swans and Geese don't co-exist - not true in Milford!
Coming into Milford, we felt the heat starting to rise, it had been quite comfortable on the Sound. We came into our slip and immediately turned on the A/C. It's been as hotter this trip as any we've taken to the Sound. We'll be in  Branford Friday through Sunday but then we're headed to Block Island and cooler weather!

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